Austin Lopez
Austin is a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering, building a new kind of wind tunnel for studying how insects explore windy environments.
Arunava Nag
Arunava is a PhD student Mechanical Engineering, and is working on measuring real world chemical plumes at large spatial scales and developing algorithms to track them.

Toha Elahi
Toha is a Mechanical Engineering PhD student working on developing algorithms for odor plume tracking.

Jaleesa Houle
Jaleesa is a Mechanical Engineering PhD student working on understanding natural wind dynamics, and how they impact insect plume tracking behaviors.

Ben Cellini
Ben is a postdoc working on bioinspired state estimation strategies for flying UAVs.

Jaden Mecham
Jaden Mecham is a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering working on algorithms for resilient sensing in autonomous UAVs.

Nate Casey
Nate Casey is a neurscience PhD student working on understanding the neural circuits involved in free flight olfactory search in Drosophila.

Thane Houghton
Thane Houghton is a neuroscience PhD student working on understanding how the fly central complex might assess the reliability of different sensory modalities.

Chathura Sumanasiri
Chathura Sumanasiri is a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering working on understanding aeroelastic flutter, co-advised with faculty member Aditya Nair.

Burak Boyacioglu
Burak is a postdoc working on observability/information theoretic tools.

Naomi Girma
Naomi is an undergrad neuroscience major working on understanding olfactory navigation in walking flies.

Emily McAffee
Emily is an undergrad engineering major helping with our autonomous drone efforts.

Nehal Mangat
Nehal Mangat is a Masters student in Mechanical Engineering working on the application of observability tools to data driven modeling.